Instax Mini 11 Not Working With New Batteries (Quick Fixed)

The Instax mini 11 is a favorite among many. Indeed, it is a great choice of camera especially for outdoor enthusiasts. However, it is possible to encounter some issues with this camera. Agreeably, most of these issues are often caused by dead or weak batteries.
While the obvious solution is to replace the batteries, sometimes that does not work. It can be alarming, and many are faced with the stark reality that they need a new camera. But that should be your last resort. You can first try to change the batteries to high-quality ones, orient them properly, or check their voltage. If that does not work, the issue could be with the camera. In this case, try cleaning the lens, or resetting the camera to see if it helps. If none of these works, then you can go ahead and purchase a new camera.
This article explains some instances where your Instax mini 11 will fail to work, even after you have installed a new pair of batteries. it also aims to offer solutions on the same. Read on.
Instax Mini 11 Not Working With New Batteries
The Instax mini 11 camera forms part of the Fujifilm instant camera product line. They are very popular thanks to their ease of use and portability. These cameras utilize the Instax mini film and are powered by a pair of AA alkaline batteries. Each film pack is good for only 10 shots, after which you are to replace it.
For the batteries, they can last you up to 100 shots and will need a replacement after that. Usually, there will be some tell-tale signs that are to notify you that the battery is dead such as blinking orange or red lights.
Often times you realize that issues with the Instax mini 11 arise due to weak or dead batteries. But what do you do if, even after installing new batteries, you still experience some trouble with the camera? Well, if that is the case, then you are in the right place.
If you notice that your Instax mini 11 is not responding to the change in batteries, in that it is still not working, you are to get a new camera. But not so fast! There are some troubleshooting that you can do and some tips to apply before you give up all hope. They are outlined below.

Use High-Quality Batteries
The reason why your camera may not be working could be because you are using the wrong quality batteries. It is common knowledge that there are many cheap batteries in our market today that bear prestigious brand names. You can easily fall victim to these counterfeit items. Hence, you can try out a different pair of batteries of prime quality.
Proper Orientation of Batteries
A common mistake that users make is wrongly installing the batteries in the camera. This should be done by following the manufacturer’s instructions. If the batteries are not in their designated polarity orientation, the camera will not work. There is usually an orange LED light that shows if the batteries are properly installed.
Check the New Battery Voltage
If you have ensured that you have the right pair of batteries, you need to check their voltage. There is a possibility that the batteries have a low voltage. This can be done using a multimeter, and connecting the reed wire to the positive end, and the black to the negative end. Then, go ahead and read the voltage on the multimeter. If this reading is lower than what is mentioned on the batteries, then you will need new ones.
Clean the Lens
With the Instax mini 11 cameras, if you want to take a photo but the camera does not work properly even with new batteries, it could be because the lens is dirty. With time, some dirt may build up and accumulate in critical areas in your camera, adversely affecting its performance. The camera can stop working because it experiences trouble capturing. Cleaning the camera should be done using a microfiber cloth.
Reset the Camera
If you replace the batteries in your camera and they fail to work, you can try resetting the camera. To reset the microcomputer, remove the batteries that you have just installed, and then reinsert them with the camera turned on (that is, the lens extended). You have to wait for some time, could be 2 hours depending on the camera, before you reinsert the batteries.
How do I replace the batteries in my Instax mini camera?
You are to find the battery compartment and open its door. This often has an easy slide-down mechanism. Remove the old batteries, and install the new ones following the polarity markings in the compartment. Then, close this cover and switch on your camera.
Replacing batteries in the Instax mini 11 camera is an easy task, and is often a solution to many problems. However, some of these issues may persist even after battery replacement. These issues can be solved by applying the tips outlined above. If they continue, then you are to seek professional help.
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